Donderdag 09 Junie 2016

KeFAAS Launch

The Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services – Kenya (KeFAAS) was launched on 22 May 2015 following a two day stakeholder’s workshop in Nyeri. Members resolved to register KeFAAS as a non- Governmental Organization. KeFAAS itself is an umbrella organisation of agricultural advisory services (AAS) providers, actors and stakeholders in Kenya. The mission of KeFAAS is “to build capacity and empower stakeholders along agricultural value-chains through knowledge-sharing, resource mobilization and skills – development for sustainable improvements in agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security and livelihoods”. KeFAAS also takes on its goals, “to develop and promote a coordinated, inclusive and demand-driven agricultural advisory support and service network in Kenya”.
The KeFAAS overall objectives are to:
  • Bring together agricultural advisory services (AAS) actors in Kenya and maintain a directory to the benefit of all stakeholders;
  • Promote the development of AAS networks at the regional, national, and district level;
  • Linking AAS stakeholders in Kenya with CAADP processes and to other networks with similar goals such as the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS);
  • To identify opportunities for sharing and promoting AAS experiences and lessons on best practices among stakeholders;
  • To closely collaborate with AAS education and training institutions;
  • To actively interact with agricultural Research bodies for the development and dissemination of relevant and proven technologies that will meet the needs of value-chain stakeholders.
  • Setting standards and priorities for agriculture Extension and Advisory services in Kenya.
KeFAAS brings together multiple stakeholders in agricultural and rural development at the national level and also at local levels through County and Sub County Chapters. It therefore has the capacity to provide leadership in development of value chain based innovation platforms in target Counties. In addition, KeFAAS as an independent NGO has the potential to partner directly with GIZ to coordinate the development partners’ efforts and input through its member organization.
The immediate activities/priorities
  • Complete review of NASEP (Extension Policy)
  • Operationalisation of KeFAAS (CF)
  • Building competence on new extensionist
  • Policy brief on rethinking extension in Kenya
  • Finalize and enforce extension guidelines and standards
  • Sensitization on new extensionist concept
  • Up-scaling of innovation center concept
  • Establish Knowledge Management platform.
The Chairman of the CF is Bob Muchina and the Focal Point Person Richard Githaiga.

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